LAMBORGHINI PENSION HOUSE Daebudo Pension Town 4 Chamsaribeonyeong-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi (경기 안산시 단원구 참살이번영길 4) It will be very irresponsible of me if I won't justify my long absence. Aside from being so busy with my new work (FINALLY!), I couldn't work on anything without actually finding first this location for EXO 's new web drama EXO NEXT DOOR. After weeks of rigorous searching, I found out that the beautiful house in which Chanyeol, D.O., Sehun and Baekhyun are living at is actually called the LAMBORGHINI Pension House. It is located in Daebudo Pension Town , a village that features breathtaking houses that people can rent for vacations and as Korean drama filming locations. Now, please bear in mind that the interior shots were actually taken in SMTOWN Studio , the same studio where CALL ME BABY MV was filmed. Only the necessary establishing and exterior scenes were filmed in Ansan. To see how the Lamborghini P...